Visit to the Royal Court of Breifne by Countess Marina

Visit to the Royal Court of Breifne by Countess Marina

HH Prince Martin and HH Princess Ingrid

Life here has been even more busy than usual. As many will be aware the novels described on the ‘Literature’ page are to be televised and the musical score has been written by Baron Paul Paviour who lives quite near us. Princess Ingrid is also an accomplished musician and has been preparing for a solo piano recital. It had been planned that, to give Her Highness a few breaks, Lord Paul would play a selection of his own compositions for the TV series. This would be the world premier public performance of this work. Some senior members of the Court had planned to be here for the concert.

Due to several factors, including some sickness and some surgery, Lady Marina came alone and had to cut short her stay to a weekend. By anyone’s standard a return flight from Los Angeles to Sydney followed by a drive to our home in rural NSW (where the Royal Court is in Australia) for a weekend is nothing short of heroic. This extraordinary feat by Lady Marina is typical of her dedication to the Court in general and to us in particular. We both sincerely appreciate this and everything Lady Marina has done and continues to do.

The concert was an amazing experience and both Princess Ingrid and Baron Paul received many ovations. Countess Marina, who spoke briefly to the audience, was also well received especially for the effort of this visit. Many were rather thrilled to ‘rub shoulders’ with a Hollywood producer. The concert was in the Paul Paviour Room at the Goulburn Regional Conservatorium of Music. The Baron, now retired (several times) was the foundation director of the conservatorium.

As a mark of appreciation for the magnificent work that Lady Marina has done and continues to do we took advantage of her stay at our home to elevate her from Baroness to Countess and to elevate her daughter Strouchan to Baroness and to assist her in her work. We offer you, Countess Marina and Baroness Strouchan, our sincere congratulations on your elevation and thank you for your love, service and loyalty.

Much of the concert has been recorded and when we can make the necessary arrangements some will be added to the Court website.